The game allows you to choose one of the six categories, then it randomly chooses a word to be guessed. At the end, it displays the selected word, whether you lose the game or win it, as well as a option to start a new game.
The functions used for console graphics have been discussed in a previous article:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<time.h> #include"GRAPH_LIB.h" #define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 255 //the maximum length of a word /*---------------GLOBALS--------------*/ char categories[6][25]; //categories of words FILE *file = NULL; //pointer to the file to be opened char word[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; //the selected word from the file int newGame = 1; //variable to decide whether or not to start a new game /*-------------PROTOTYPES-------------*/ /* * Description: * Displays the header */ void Header(void); /* * Description: * Opens the file containing the words from a category based on the option parameter * Parameters: * option - the selected option from the menu of categories */ void DecideFile(int option); /* * Description: * Displays the categories' menu and allows the user to select a category */ void Menu(void); /* * Description: * Randomly selects a word from the opened file */ void DecideWord(void); /* * Description: * Displays a menu allowing the player to decide whether or not to start a new game * Returns: * 1 - starting a new game * 0 - not starting a new game */ int NewGame(void); /* * Description: * Displays a message letting know that you lost the game as well as the word you had to guess. */ void LostGame(int wordLength); /* * Description: * Displays the word you had to guess and a message letting you know that you won the game. */ void WonGame(int wordLength); /* * Description: * Starts the game and contains the game's logic. */ int Gameplay(void); /*-------------IMPLEMENTATION-------------*/ void Header(void) { ConsoleDimensions(120,50); ConsoleColours("gray","white"); DrawRectangle(0,0,120,7,"dark blue"); GoTo(56,2); Colour("dark blue","gray"); puts("HANGMAN"); GoTo(55,3); puts("July 2012"); GoTo(49,4); puts("Copyright@INFINITE LOOP"); } void DecideFile(int option) { switch(option) { case 0: file=fopen("actors.txt","rt"); case 1: file=fopen("animals.txt","rt"); case 2: file=fopen("bands.txt","rt"); case 3: file=fopen("countries.txt","rt"); case 4: file=fopen("films.txt","rt"); case 5: file=fopen("sports.txt","rt"); default: file=fopen("actors.txt","rt"); } } void Menu(void) { int i = 0, j = 0; int option = 0; char move = 32; Header(); //rectangle at the bottom StripesOutline(9,41,100,5,"gray","dark blue"); DrawRectangle(10,42,100,5,"dark gray"); GoTo(25,44); Colour("dark gray","black"); printf("Use %c and %c to move through the menu. Press Enter to choose a category.",30,31); //initialising the categories strcpy(categories[0]," Actors "); strcpy(categories[1]," Animals "); strcpy(categories[2]," Bands "); strcpy(categories[3],"Countries"); strcpy(categories[4]," Films "); strcpy(categories[5]," Sports "); //the menu StripesOutline(44,17,31,15,"gray","cyan"); DrawRectangle(45,18,31,15,"cyan"); while(move != 13) { for(i=0; i<6; i++) { GoTo(51,20+i*2); for(j=0; j<5; j++)//before printing the category { if(option == i) { Colour("magenta","magenta"); printf("*"); } else { Colour("dark blue","dark blue"); printf("*"); } } if(option == i) { Colour("magenta","white"); } else { Colour("dark blue","gray"); } puts(categories[i]); GoTo(56+strlen(categories[i]),20+i*2); Colour("dark blue","dark blue"); for(j=0; j<5; j++)//after printing the category { if(option == i) { Colour("magenta","magenta"); printf("*"); } else { printf("*"); } } } move=getch(); if(move == 0x50)//down arrow { option++; if(option == 6) { option = 0; } } if(move == 0x48)//up arrow { option--; if (option == -1) { option=5; } } } DecideFile(option);//opening the file corresponding to the chosen category } void DecideWord(void) { int wordsCount = 0; int wordNumber = 0; int i=0; time_t seconds; time(&seconds); srand(seconds); if(file != NULL) { while(feof(file) == 0) { fgets(word,255,file); wordsCount++; } wordNumber = rand() % wordsCount; rewind(file); while(i <= wordNumber) { fgets(word,255,file); i++; } } if(wordNumber+1 != wordsCount)//otherwise it will contain the new line character - ?? { word[strlen(word)-1] = '\0'; } } int NewGame(void) { int newGame = 0; char move = 32; StripesRectangle(40,42,40,7,"dark gray","gray"); GoTo(44,44); Colour("neon green","black"); printf("Do you want to start a new game?"); while(move != 13) { GoTo(57,46); if(newGame == 1) { Colour("white","black"); } else { Colour("neon green","black"); } printf(" YES "); GoTo(57,47); if(newGame == 0) { Colour("white","black"); } else { Colour("neon green","black"); } printf(" NO "); move=getch(); if(move == 0x48)//down arrow { newGame = 1; } if(move == 0x50)//up arrow { newGame = 0; } } return newGame; } void LostGame(int wordLength) { int i = 0; system("cls"); Header(); StripesOutline(39,18,40,6,"gray","neon green"); DrawRectangle(40,19,40,6,"dark gray"); GoTo(55,21); Colour("dark gray","black"); puts("GAME OVER"); GoTo(54,22); puts("#You lost#"); DoubleBorderGrid((120-6*wordLength)/2,35,3,3,1,wordLength,"gray","white"); Colour("gray","cyan"); for(i=0; i<wordLength; i++) { GoTo((120-6*wordLength)/2+6*i+2,37); printf("%c",word[i]); } } void WonGame(int wordLength) { int i = 0; system("cls"); Header(); StripesOutline(39,18,40,6,"gray","neon green"); DrawRectangle(40,19,40,6,"dark gray"); GoTo(55,21); Colour("dark gray","black"); printf(" GAME OVER"); GoTo(55,22); printf("#You won#"); DoubleBorderGrid((120-6*wordLength)/2,35,3,3,1,wordLength,"gray","white"); Colour("gray","cyan"); for(i=0; i<wordLength; i++) { GoTo((120-6*wordLength)/2+6*i+2,37); printf("%c",word[i]); } } int Gameplay(void) { char *constructing = NULL; char alphabet[26]; char letter; int missed=6; int i=0; int k=0; int wordLength=0; int letterCode = 0; DecideWord(); wordLength=strlen(word); constructing =(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*wordLength); memset(constructing,'*',wordLength); memset(alphabet,'0',26); constructing[wordLength]='\0'; Header(); while( missed != 0) { system("cls"); Header(); DoubleBorderGrid((120-6*wordLength)/2,35,3,3,1,wordLength,"gray","white"); Colour("gray","cyan"); for(i=0; i<wordLength; i++) { GoTo((120-6*wordLength)/2+6*i+2,37); printf("%c",constructing[i]); } StripesOutline(39,18,40,6,"gray","white"); DrawRectangle(40,19,40,6,"cyan"); GoTo(47,21); Colour("cyan","white"); printf("Remaining wrong guesses: %d",missed); GoTo(51,22); printf("Enter your guess: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&letter); letter = toupper(letter); letterCode = letter; k=0; for(i=0; i<wordLength; i++) { if(word[i] == letter) { constructing[i]=letter; k++; } } if(k == 0 && alphabet[letterCode - 65] == '0') { missed--; alphabet[letterCode - 65] = '1'; } if((strcmp(constructing,word) == 0) && (missed != 0))//the player has won the game { WonGame(wordLength); newGame=NewGame(); break; } if(missed == 0)//the player has lost the game { LostGame(wordLength); newGame=NewGame(); } } return newGame; } void Launcher(void) { system("title Hangman"); while(newGame != 0) { Menu(); system("cls"); newGame = Gameplay(newGame); } } int main(void) { Launcher(); return 0; }
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