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Monday, 8 October 2012

Finding the greatest common divisor of an array of integers in C using the Divide and Conquer method

If you want to know more about the greatest common divisor of two numbers, reading this article first may prove helpful.

The following C function finds the greatest common divisor of a set of integers using the Divide et Impera method and returns it.
 * Description:
 *  Finds the greatest common divisor of an array of integers
 * Parameters:
 *  a     - the array
 *  first - the index of the leftmost elements of the array
 *  last  - the index of the rightmost element of the array
 * Returns:
 *  gcd - the greatest common divisor
int ArrayGCD(int *a, int first, int last)
    int x = 0, y = 0, gcd = 0;
    if(first == last)
        gcd = a[first];
        return gcd;
        x = ArrayGCD(a,first,(first+last)/2);
        y = ArrayGCD(a,(first+last)/2+1,last);
        if(x < 0)
            x = -x;
        if(y < 0)
            y = -y;
        while(x != y)
            if(x > y)
                x = x-y;
                y = y-x;
        gcd = x;
        return gcd;



int ArrayGCD(int *a, int first, int last);

int main(void)
    int a[20], n = 0, i = 0, gcd = 0;
    printf("\n Enter the number of elements of the array: ");
    printf(" Enter the elements of the array:\n");
    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
    gcd = ArrayGCD(a,0,n-1);
    printf("\n\tThe greatest common divisor is: %d",gcd);
    return 0;


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